Happy Valentine's Day! A Guide for the Holiday Of Love

Happy Valentine's Day! A Guide for the Holiday Of Love

Whether you are single, in a relationship, or anything in between, Valentine’s Day is a perfect day to go ahead and spoil that special someone (even if it is yourself!). In fact, we would argue that showing yourself some self love is a gift to everyone in your life, as it helps you show up as your best, most whole self. I have put together a little guide with some rituals, affirmations, and crystals for Valentines Day.

16 Self Love Affirmations
I love you.
I am worthy.
I am enough.
I am confident.
I am strong.
I am creating the life of my dreams.
I am a magnet to my highest good.
I deserve success.
I deserve ease.
I am magic.
I am sovereign.
I am vibrant.
I respect my personal boundaries.
I respect and love myself for who I am.
I have unlimited potential.
I value myself.

Mini Rituals for a Self Love Valentines Day
Write yourself a love letter
Make it as long or as short as you need. Tell yourself all of the things you love about you. If you can’t think of any, write down all of the things you can imagine the best lover in the world telling you. Pump yourself up and list out all of the accomplishments that you are proud of yourself for. Thank yourself, thank your grace, your tenacity, or whatever quality about yourself that has served you recently. Make it the juiciest, most feel good thing you have ever written about yourself. Re-read this whenever you need a self-love boost.

Make Yourself a Love Potion
Create your favourite drink - hot tea, coffee, or a cocktail - and infuse it with some of the self love affirmations above. As you are creating, brewing, or mixing, whisper or focus on your intentions into the mix. If you can add traditional love themed ingredients like rose, lavender, or a vanilla sugar, add them in for an extra touch. Once complete, sip slowly and feel the intentions enter your soul and change your energy from the inside out.

Have a Love-ly Bath
Bring out the luxury bath salts. Pick out a favourite essential oil, grab some crystals for self love (see our blog post on that here) **Make sure they're water safe crystals**, pour in the bubbles and relax. It’s cliche, but baths help us cleanse, ground into our intentions, and let our minds relax. If baths aren’t for you or are not accessible, hop into a hot shower. Drip some of those essential oils by the tap to diffuse in the steam, and close your eyes. Imagine the water gathering up any self doubt or negativity and washing it down the drain and away from you.

Love-tastic Journal Prompts

-Write a love note to yourself.

-What do you forgive yourself for?

-What part of you can you work on sending more love to? How has that part been forgotten, and why?

-What are your favourite things about yourself?

-Write a letter to your tenacity/grace/audaciousness or any other favourite trait of yours. Thank it for all of the things it has done for you and brought into your life.

Make sure to imbue a little love into all that you do Valentine’s day weekend. Even if you are single, you can show yourself kindness, grace, and even spoil yourself a little. Put on your favourite outfit, get outside for some fresh air, and do something that feels indulgent for yourself.

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