Collection: Aragonite

Truth ▲ Emotional stability ▲  Mental stability  Understanding  Perception

Aragonite is a stabilizing stone that centers and grounds physical energies, being useful in time of stress.  It helps to prepare for meditation and stabilizes spiritual development.  It provides insight into the causes of problems and situations. It teaches acceptance and patience, especially helpful to those who feel they have too much responsibility.  Aragonite provides strength and support, helping to combat anger and emotional stress.

Blue Aragonite heightens and then grounds your spiritual communication, with a comforting, optimistic and joyful vibration. It enhances your ability to communicate, particularly spiritually and aids you to more easily empathize, so is an asset to healers and spiritual teachers. This stone helps you to find the source of problems occurring in your life and helps to turn them into opportunities for your growth. Meditate with blue aragonite to help manifest your soul plan for this lifetime.