Introducing Tea Time Me Time Podcast with Ruby! ☕️

Introducing Tea Time Me Time Podcast with Ruby! ☕️

I am so excited to announce this magic experience I have created for both you all and for myself.

There are 4 episodes ready for you to binge right away, and more to come!

On it, I chat energy. This podcast is a safe space to talk about shadow work, astrology, spirit, any metaphysical topics ✨

I can’t wait for you to hear! 



Prioritizing yourself and learning to surrender others’ expectations for you. 
Reflections whenever you are starting a new period in your life.
Ep. 3 Taking Risks
Prioritizing your happiness over stability. Starts with taking a risk.
Ep. 4 You Are Not Broken
Expressing those feelings hidden under the surface. Understanding we are worthy of healing and creating beauty in this world.

Or Listen to the podcast here:




Let me known what you think of it, or what your favorite episode is, in the comments!
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